An enjoyable evening on Valentine’s Day

Tullamore Toastmasters meet every second Thursday. And our last meeting, for the first time in the club’s history, fell on Valentine’s Day. We decided to go ahead with the normal schedule. Some people, understandably, had other commitments on the night, so it was a smaller meeting than usual, but it was still as enjoyable as ever. The first item on the agenda was voting a new member into the club: Michael Mulvin. David Reynolds treated us to a lively topics session, urging us to speak on short notice (or no notice at all) on prompts as varied as our worst ever meal and why people read death notices.

For the second part of the meeting, the prepared speeches, there was more entertainment in store. Phil Newton’s brief was to talk about an abstract concept. Phil is a founder member of Tullamore Toastmasters, and is a very experienced speaker. She chose to talk about love, and how it has affected history, with examples of poets, philosophers and politicians who have fallen in love, and how love touched their lives and work. John Murphy, our second speaker, was also speaking from an advanced manual. His brief was to retell a folk tale. He ignored the podium, and spoke to us as as to a bunch of friends sitting round an open fire as he told us the scary story of “The man in the coffin”, warning us of the terrible dangers in interfering in fairy forts.

Finally, we had a guest speaker, who came to us for practice and for feedback before she enters an all-Ireland competition.

Our next meeting is on the 28th of February, at the usual time of 8:30 p.m., in the Tullamore Court Hotel. See you all there!

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