The 2014/2015 Toastmasters season is upon us!

The summer break draws to an end. Tullamore Toastmasters will start meeting again in September. Our first meeting of the season will be on the 4th of September. Meetings will continue every second Thursday.

Thursday, 4th September 2014
Meet at 8:30 p.m. in the Tullamore Court Hotel.

Thursday, 18th September 2014 in association with the Foundation 14 Arts Festival
Meet at 8:30 p.m. in a Foundation 14 art gallery.

Foundation 14 is an Arts Festival in Tullamore which puts art into public spaces. Last year, Foundation 13 invited us to hold a Toastmasters meeting in one of the temporary art galleries in a disused shop on the High Street. We had an excellent meeting with an art theme to it. I’m happy and excited to report that this year’s festival, Foundation 14, have invited us to repeat the experience.

Thursday, 2nd October 2014, Humorous Speech Contest & Table Topics Contest
Meet at 8:30 p.m. in the Tullamore Court Hotel

The Area Final will be shortly after this (the date is yet to be decided), and the Division Final is on Saturday the 18th of October.

All Toastmasters meetings are open to the public.

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